1. Create a New Campaign.

  1. Select ADD NEW > campaigns.
  2. Set the name and friendly name.
  3. If the campaign will be a part (section, subordinate) of a larger campaign,
    add the larger campaign as a
    parent campaign.

    Example: If you are creating a campaign “עליות”, which will be part of
    the campaign “נדרים ונדבות”, add  “נדרים ונדבות” as the parent campaign.


 2. Choose the Campaigns Displayed on the Home Screen.

  1. Navigate to Lists > campaigns.
  2. Select the campaign you want to add/remove.
  3. Select the edit icon to edit. The Edit Campaign window will appear.
  4. Select shul kiosk. Set display on shul kiosk on/off to choose which campaigns appear on the screen 
  5. There is also an option to upload a campaign picture under shul kiosk.



3. Add shuls picture on kiosk.

  1. Navigate to Admin.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page.
  3. Go to SHUL KIOSK MAIN IMAGE > select file, and upload your image.



4. Set the Minimum Donation That Requires Contact Details.

  1. Navigate to Lists > campaigns.
  2. Select the campaign you want to add/remove.
  3. Select the edit icon to edit. The Edit Campaign window will appear.
  4. Select settings. Enter an amount in the require phone if amount is above field.
  5.  All donations above this amount will require the donor to enter their contact details.

5. Create Preset Donation Amounts.

  1. Navigate to Lists > campaigns.
  2. Select the campaign you wish to edit.
  3. Select the to edit. The Edit Campaign window will appear.
  4. Select settings. Use the preset amount fields to enter a dollar amount and a title.
  5. Enter up to six preset donation amounts. 


6. View the Donations for Each Campaign.

  1. Navigate to Transactions.
  2. Select fields. A dropdown list will appear, make sure campaigns is checked off.
  3. Transactions will be sorted according to the campaign under which it was donated.

7. Set the Order in Which Campaigns Appear on the Kiosk.

  1. Navigate to Lists > campaigns.
  2. Select a campaign. Select (the Edit icon) to edit. The Edit Campaign window will appear.
  3. Under campaign infos, use the campaign number field to enter a number from 1-12.
  4. On the kiosk, the campaigns will be arranged according to the campaign number.


8. Add more Api keys.

Contact  info@nedivim.org.
We’re happy to set up additional API keys 🙂